
Gravity generates logs for each execution of a job. These logs can be helpful for:

  • investigating failed executions

  • viewing the statuses of past executions

  • viewing the status and current stage of a recently executed job

  • validating execution run times

There are two ways to view execution logs:

Job Execution Status

A job execution can have one of the following statuses:

  • RUNNING - Job execution is currently running

  • FINISHED - Job execution has finished successfully

  • ERROR** ****** - Job execution has finished with errors

These statuses apply to each job execution as well as each child stage of the job execution. The statuses of each child stage are available in the execution trace.

Execution Trace

The following options are available to help navigate the execution trace:

Key Execution Stages

The execution stages for a job will vary depending on the source, target and job configuration. The table below highlights some key stages of a job that is configured to load data into a database target


fetch job configuration

Get the configuration for the job that is being run

prepare target DB

Check that the target credentials are still valid. If the target table already exists, check that the schema is correct

execute source preparation

Prepare to extract data from the source. This can include compiling credentials, extracting and reading metadata, determining increments etc.

execute source processing

Extract data from the source

create target table

Create the the target table and staging area if they do not already exist.

load data to target

Load data to a staging area in the database

merge data to target table

Merge, append or replace the data in the target table


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