Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | Unique identifier of the PermissionSetLicense. | |
IsDeleted | Boolean | True | Label Deleted corresponds to this field. | |
DeveloperName | String | True | Label Developer Name corresponds to this field. | |
Language | String | True | Label Master Language corresponds to this field. | |
MasterLabel | String | True | Label Permission Set License Label corresponds to this field. | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | True | Label Created Date corresponds to this field. | |
CreatedById | String | True | User.Id | Label Created By ID corresponds to this field. |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | True | Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field. | |
LastModifiedById | String | True | User.Id | Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field. |
SystemModstamp | Datetime | True | Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field. | |
PermissionSetLicenseKey | String | True | Label Permission Set License Key corresponds to this field. | |
TotalLicenses | Int | True | Label Total Licenses corresponds to this field. | |
Status | String | True | Label Status corresponds to this field. | |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | True | Label Expiration Date corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEmailSingle | Boolean | True | Label Send Email corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEmailMass | Boolean | True | Label Mass Email corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditTask | Boolean | True | Label Edit Tasks corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditEvent | Boolean | True | Label Edit Events corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsExportReport | Boolean | True | Label Export Reports corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsImportPersonal | Boolean | True | Label Import Personal Contacts corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsManageUsers | Boolean | True | Label Manage Users corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditPublicTemplates | Boolean | True | Label Manage Public Templates corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsModifyAllData | Boolean | True | Label Modify All Data corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsManageCases | Boolean | True | Label Manage Cases corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditKnowledge | Boolean | True | Label Manage Articles corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsManageKnowledge | Boolean | True | Label Manage Salesforce Knowledge corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsManageSolutions | Boolean | True | Label Manage Published Solutions corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsCustomizeApplication | Boolean | True | Label Customize Application corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditReadonlyFields | Boolean | True | Label Edit Read Only Fields corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsRunReports | Boolean | True | Label Run Reports corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsViewSetup | Boolean | True | Label View Setup and Configuration corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsTransferAnyEntity | Boolean | True | Label Transfer Record corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsNewReportBuilder | Boolean | True | Label Report Builder corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsManageSelfService | Boolean | True | Label Manage Self-Service Portal corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsManageCssUsers | Boolean | True | Label Edit Self-Service Users corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsActivateContract | Boolean | True | Label Activate Contracts corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsImportLeads | Boolean | True | Label Import Leads corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsManageLeads | Boolean | True | Label Manage Leads corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsTransferAnyLead | Boolean | True | Label Transfer Leads corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsViewAllData | Boolean | True | Label View All Data corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditPublicDocuments | Boolean | True | Label Manage Public Documents corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditBrandTemplates | Boolean | True | Label Manage Letterheads corresponds to this field. | |
MaximumPermissionsEditHtmlTemplates | Boolean | True | Label Edit HTML Templ |