Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | Unique identifier of the AppMenuItem. | |
IsDeleted | Boolean | True | Label Deleted corresponds to this field. | |
CreatedDate | Datetime | True | Label Created Date corresponds to this field. | |
CreatedById | String | True | User.Id | Label Created By ID corresponds to this field. |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | True | Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field. | |
LastModifiedById | String | True | User.Id | Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field. |
SystemModstamp | Datetime | True | Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field. | |
SortOrder | Int | True | Label Sort Order corresponds to this field. | |
Name | String | True | Label Developer Name corresponds to this field. | |
NamespacePrefix | String | True | Label Namespace Prefix corresponds to this field. | |
Label | String | True | Label Label corresponds to this field. | |
Description | String | True | Label Description corresponds to this field. | |
StartUrl | String | True | Label Start Url corresponds to this field. | |
MobileStartUrl | String | True | Label Mobile Start Url corresponds to this field. | |
LogoUrl | String | True | Label Logo Image URL corresponds to this field. | |
IconUrl | String | True | Label Icon Url corresponds to this field. | |
InfoUrl | String | True | Label Info URL corresponds to this field. | |
IsUsingAdminAuthorization | Boolean | True | Label IsUsingAdminAuthorization corresponds to this field. | |
MobilePlatform | String | True | Label Mobile device OS platform corresponds to this field. | |
MobileMinOsVer | String | True | Label Minimum required mobile device OS version corresponds to this field. | |
MobileDeviceType | String | True | Label Type of mobile device corresponds to this field. | |
IsRegisteredDeviceOnly | Boolean | True | Label App requires a registered mobile device corresponds to this field. | |
MobileAppVer | String | True | Label Version of the mobile app corresponds to this field. | |
MobileAppInstalledDate | Datetime | True | Label Date the mobile app was most recently installed corresponds to this field. | |
MobileAppInstalledVersion | String | True | Label Most recently installed version of the mobile app corresponds to this field. | |
MobileAppBinaryId | String | True | Label ID for the related mobile app binary corresponds to this field. | |
MobileAppInstallUrl | String | True | Label URL to install the mobile app corresponds to this field. | |
Type | String | True | Label App Type corresponds to this field. |
Last updated