Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | true | true | The Id of the sales receipt. | |
SyncToken | String | True | false | false | Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | true | true | The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | true | true | The time the record was last updated. | |
CustomFieldAggregate | String | False | false | false | An XML aggregate of custom fields associated with the transaction. | |
DocNumber | String | False | true | true | Reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | true | true | The date when this transaction occurred. | |
DepartmentRef | String | False | Departments.Id | false | false | The Id of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
DepartmentRef_Name | String | True | Departments.Name | false | false | The name of the department, which stores the location of the transaction as defined using location tracking in QuickBooks Online. |
PrivateNote | String | False | false | false | The private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
TxnStatus | String | False | false | false | The status of the transaction. Depending on the transaction type it may have different values. For sales transactions, the acceptable values are defined in PaymentStatusEnum. For estimates, the values accepted are defined in QboEstimateStatusEnum. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | false | false | Zero or more linked transactions. | |
LineAggregate | String | False | false | false | Zero or more lines for the transaction. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TxnTaxCodeRef | String | False | TaxCodes.Id | false | false | The transaction tax code. |
TxnTaxDetail_TotalTax | String | False | false | false | Total tax calculated for the transaction, excluding any tax lines manually inserted into the transaction line list. | |
TxnTaxDetail_TaxLineAggregate | String | False | false | false | An XML aggregate of tax line items. | |
CustomerRef | String | False | Customers.Id | true | false | The Id of the customer. |
CustomerRef_Name | String | True | Customers.DisplayName | false | false | The name of the customer. |
CustomerMemo | String | False | false | false | The message to the customer. | |
BillAddr_Id | String | False | false | false | The Id of the entity for the billing address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
BillAddr_Line1 | String | False | false | false | First line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line2 | String | False | false | false | Second line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line3 | String | False | false | false | Third line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line4 | String | False | false | false | Fourth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_Line5 | String | False | false | false | Fifth line of the address. | |
BillAddr_City | String | False | false | false | City name. | |
BillAddr_Country | String | False | false | false | Country name. | |
BillAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | false | false | Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
BillAddr_PostalCode | String | False | false | false | Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
BillAddr_Note | String | False | false | false | The note for the customer. | |
BillAddr_Lat | String | False | false | false | Latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
BillAddr_Long | String | False | false | false | Longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
ShipAddr_Id | String | False | false | false | The Id of the entity for the shipping address, mainly used for modifying the address. This field is assigned by the data service. | |
ShipAddr_Line1 | String | False | false | false | First line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line2 | String | False | false | false | Second line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line3 | String | False | false | false | Third line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line4 | String | False | false | false | Fourth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_Line5 | String | False | false | false | Fifth line of the address. | |
ShipAddr_City | String | False | false | false | City name. | |
ShipAddr_Country | String | False | false | false | Country name. | |
ShipAddr_CountrySubDivisionCode | String | False | false | false | Region within a country. For example, the state name for the USA and the province name for Canada. | |
ShipAddr_PostalCode | String | False | false | false | Postal code. For example, the zip code for the USA and Canada. | |
ShipAddr_Note | String | False | false | false | Note for the customer. | |
ShipAddr_Lat | String | False | false | false | Latitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
ShipAddr_Long | String | False | false | false | Longitude coordinate of the geocoded address. | |
ClassRef | String | False | Class.Id | true |