Query from ticketFields table
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | Bigint | True | ID of the ticket field. |
Choices | String | False | List of values supported by the field. |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True | Ticket field creation timestamp. |
CustomersCanEdit | Boolean | False | Set to true if the field can be updated by customers. |
Default | Boolean | True | Set to true if the field is not a custom field. |
Description | String | True | Description of the ticket field |
DisplayedToCustomers | Boolean | False | Set to true if the field is displayed in the customer portal. |
Label | String | False | Display name for the field (as seen by agents). |
LabelForCustomers | String | False | Display name for the field (as seen in the customer portal). |
Name | String | True | Name of the ticket field. |
NestedTicketFields | String | True | Applicable only for dependent fields, this contain details of nested fields. |
PortalCc | Boolean | True | Applicable only for the requester field. Set to true if customer can add additional requesters to a ticket. |
PortalCcTo | String | True | Applicable only if portal_cc is set to true. Value will be 'all' when a customer can add any requester to the CC list and 'company' when a customer can add only company contacts to the CC list. |
Position | Integer | False | Position in which the ticket field is displayed in the form. |
RequiredForAgents | Boolean | False | Set to true if the field is mandatory for Agents. |
RequiredForClosure | Boolean | False | Set to true if the field is mandatory for closing the ticket. |
RequiredForCustomers | Boolean | False | Set to true if the field is mandatory in the customer portal. |
Type | String | False | For custom ticket fields, type of value associated with the field will be given (Available values are: custom_text, custom_paragraph, custom_checkbox, custom_number, custom_date, custom_decimal, nested_field, custom_dropdown, encrypted_text, secure_text) |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True | Ticket field updated timestamp. |
Last updated