A campaign.
Table Specific Information
Google Ads does not allow every column to be selected in a single query as some data will conflict if selected together. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default metrics, segments, and attributes will be returned. In general, these defaults are the same fields that are exposed through the Ads console.
To use the nondefault fields, explicitly select them in your query.
Filters can also be used in the WHERE clause. The supported operators are the =, !=, >, >=, <, <=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, and NOT IN operators. All filters must be joined by the AND keyword as OR is not supported by the Ads API.
Name | Type | Behavior | Description |
CampaignAccessibleBiddingStrategy | String | Attribute | AccessibleBiddingStrategy column for table Campaign |
CampaignAdServingOptimizationStatus | String | Attribute | AdServingOptimizationStatus column for table Campaign |
CampaignAdvertisingChannelSubType | String | Attribute | AdvertisingChannelSubType column for table Campaign |
CampaignAdvertisingChannelType | String | Attribute | AdvertisingChannelType column for table Campaign |
CampaignAppCampaignSettingAppId | String | Attribute | AppCampaignSettingAppId column for table Campaign |
CampaignAppCampaignSettingAppStore | String | Attribute | AppCampaignSettingAppStore column for table Campaign |
CampaignAppCampaignSettingBiddingStrategyGoalType | String | Attribute | AppCampaignSettingBiddingStrategyGoalType column for table Campaign |
CampaignBaseCampaign | String | Attribute | BaseCampaign column for table Campaign |
CampaignBiddingStrategy | String | Attribute | BiddingStrategy column for table Campaign |
CampaignBiddingStrategyType | String | Attribute | BiddingStrategyType column for table Campaign |
CampaignCampaignBudget | String | Attribute | CampaignBudget column for table Campaign |
CampaignCommissionCommissionRateMicros | Long | Attribute | CommissionCommissionRateMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignDynamicSearchAdsSettingDomainName | String | Attribute | DynamicSearchAdsSettingDomainName column for table Campaign |
CampaignDynamicSearchAdsSettingFeeds | String | Attribute | DynamicSearchAdsSettingFeeds column for table Campaign |
CampaignDynamicSearchAdsSettingLanguageCode | String | Attribute | DynamicSearchAdsSettingLanguageCode column for table Campaign |
CampaignDynamicSearchAdsSettingUseSuppliedUrlsOnly | Bool | Attribute | DynamicSearchAdsSettingUseSuppliedUrlsOnly column for table Campaign |
CampaignEndDate | Date | Attribute | EndDate column for table Campaign |
CampaignExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes | String | Attribute | ExcludedParentAssetFieldTypes column for table Campaign |
CampaignExperimentType | String | Attribute | ExperimentType column for table Campaign |
CampaignFinalUrlSuffix | String | Attribute | FinalUrlSuffix column for table Campaign |
CampaignFrequencyCaps | String | Attribute | FrequencyCaps column for table Campaign |
CampaignGeoTargetTypeSettingNegativeGeoTargetType | String | Attribute | GeoTargetTypeSettingNegativeGeoTargetType column for table Campaign |
CampaignGeoTargetTypeSettingPositiveGeoTargetType | String | Attribute | GeoTargetTypeSettingPositiveGeoTargetType column for table Campaign |
CampaignHotelSettingHotelCenterId | Long | Attribute | HotelSettingHotelCenterId column for table Campaign |
CampaignId | Long | Attribute | Id column for table Campaign |
CampaignLabels | String | Attribute | Labels column for table Campaign |
CampaignLocalCampaignSettingLocationSourceType | String | Attribute | LocalCampaignSettingLocationSourceType column for table Campaign |
CampaignManualCpcEnhancedCpcEnabled | Bool | Attribute | ManualCpcEnhancedCpcEnabled column for table Campaign |
CampaignManualCpm | String | Attribute | ManualCpm column for table Campaign |
CampaignManualCpv | String | Attribute | ManualCpv column for table Campaign |
CampaignMaximizeConversionValueTargetRoas | Double | Attribute | MaximizeConversionValueTargetRoas column for table Campaign |
CampaignMaximizeConversionsTargetCpa | Long | Attribute | MaximizeConversionsTargetCpa column for table Campaign |
CampaignName | String | Attribute | Name column for table Campaign |
CampaignNetworkSettingsTargetContentNetwork | Bool | Attribute | NetworkSettingsTargetContentNetwork column for table Campaign |
CampaignNetworkSettingsTargetGoogleSearch | Bool | Attribute | NetworkSettingsTargetGoogleSearch column for table Campaign |
CampaignNetworkSettingsTargetPartnerSearchNetwork | Bool | Attribute | NetworkSettingsTargetPartnerSearchNetwork column for table Campaign |
CampaignNetworkSettingsTargetSearchNetwork | Bool | Attribute | NetworkSettingsTargetSearchNetwork column for table Campaign |
CampaignOptimizationGoalSettingOptimizationGoalTypes | String | Attribute | OptimizationGoalSettingOptimizationGoalTypes column for table Campaign |
CampaignOptimizationScore | Double | Attribute | OptimizationScore column for table Campaign |
CampaignPaymentMode | String | Attribute | PaymentMode column for table Campaign |
CampaignPercentCpcCpcBidCeilingMicros | Long | Attribute | PercentCpcCpcBidCeilingMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignPercentCpcEnhancedCpcEnabled | Bool | Attribute | PercentCpcEnhancedCpcEnabled column for table Campaign |
CampaignRealTimeBiddingSettingOptIn | Bool | Attribute | RealTimeBiddingSettingOptIn column for table Campaign |
CampaignResourceName | String | Attribute | ResourceName column for table Campaign |
CampaignSelectiveOptimizationConversionActions | String | Attribute | SelectiveOptimizationConversionActions column for table Campaign |
CampaignServingStatus | String | Attribute | ServingStatus column for table Campaign |
CampaignShoppingSettingCampaignPriority | Int | Attribute | ShoppingSettingCampaignPriority column for table Campaign |
CampaignShoppingSettingEnableLocal | Bool | Attribute | ShoppingSettingEnableLocal column for table Campaign |
CampaignShoppingSettingMerchantId | Long | Attribute | ShoppingSettingMerchantId column for table Campaign |
CampaignShoppingSettingSalesCountry | String | Attribute | ShoppingSettingSalesCountry column for table Campaign |
CampaignStartDate | Date | Attribute | StartDate column for table Campaign |
CampaignStatus | String | Attribute | Status column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetCpaCpcBidCeilingMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetCpaCpcBidCeilingMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetCpaCpcBidFloorMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetCpaCpcBidFloorMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetCpaTargetCpaMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetCpaTargetCpaMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetCpm | String | Attribute | TargetCpm column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetImpressionShareCpcBidCeilingMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetImpressionShareCpcBidCeilingMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetImpressionShareLocation | String | Attribute | TargetImpressionShareLocation column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetImpressionShareLocationFractionMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetImpressionShareLocationFractionMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetRoasCpcBidCeilingMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetRoasCpcBidCeilingMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetRoasCpcBidFloorMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetRoasCpcBidFloorMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetRoasTargetRoas | Double | Attribute | TargetRoasTargetRoas column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetSpendCpcBidCeilingMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetSpendCpcBidCeilingMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetSpendTargetSpendMicros | Long | Attribute | TargetSpendTargetSpendMicros column for table Campaign |
CampaignTargetingSettingTargetRestrictions | String | Attribute | TargetingSettingTargetRestrictions column for table Campaign |
CampaignTrackingSettingTrackingUrl | String | Attribute | TrackingSettingTrackingUrl column for table Campaign |
CampaignTrackingUrlTemplate | String | Attribute | TrackingUrlTemplate column for table Campaign |
CampaignUrlCustomParameters | String | Attribute | UrlCustomParameters column for table Campaign |
CampaignVanityPharmaVanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode | String | Attribute | VanityPharmaVanityPharmaDisplayUrlMode column for table Campaign |
CampaignVanityPharmaVanityPharmaText | String | Attribute | VanityPharmaVanityPharmaText column for table Campaign |
CampaignVideoBrandSafetySuitability | String | Attribute | VideoBrandSafetySuitability column for table Campaign |
CustomerId | Long | Attribute | ClientCustomerId column for table Campaign |
AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage | Double | Metric | AbsoluteTopImpressionPercentage column for table Metrics |
ActiveViewCpm | Double | Metric | ActiveViewCpm column for table Metrics |
ActiveViewCtr | Double | Metric | ActiveViewCtr column for table Metrics |
ActiveViewImpressions | Long | Metric | ActiveViewImpressions column for table Metrics |
ActiveViewMeasurability | Double | Metric | ActiveViewMeasurability column for table Metrics |
ActiveViewMeasurableCostMicros | Long | Metric | ActiveViewMeasurableCostMicros column for table Metrics |
ActiveViewMeasurableImpressions | Long | Metric | ActiveViewMeasurableImpressions column for table Metrics |
ActiveViewViewability | Double | Metric | ActiveViewViewability column for table Metrics |
AllConversions | Double | Metric | AllConversions column for table Metrics |
AllConversionsByConversionDate | Double | Metric | AllConversionsByConversionDate column for table Metrics |
AllConversionsFromInteractionsRate | Double | Metric | AllConversionsFromInteractionsRate column for table Metrics |
AllConversionsValue | Double | Metric | AllConversionsValue column for table Metrics |
AllConversionsValueByConversionDate | Double | Metric | AllConversionsValueByConversionDate column for table Metrics |
AverageCost | Double | Metric | AverageCost column for table Metrics |
AverageCpc | Double | Metric | AverageCpc column for table Metrics |
AverageCpe | Double | Metric | AverageCpe column for table Metrics |
AverageCpm | Double | Metric | AverageCpm column for table Metrics |
AverageCpv | Double | Metric | AverageCpv column for table Metrics |
AveragePageViews | Double | Metric | AveragePageViews column for table Metrics |
AverageTimeOnSite | Double | Metric | AverageTimeOnSite column for table Metrics |
BounceRate | Double | Metric | BounceRate column for table Metrics |
Clicks | Long | Metric | Clicks column for table Metrics |
ContentBudgetLostImpressionShare | Double | Metric | ContentBudgetLostImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
ContentImpressionShare | Double | Metric | ContentImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
ContentRankLostImpressionShare | Double | Metric | ContentRankLostImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
Conversions | Double | Metric | Conversions column for table Metrics |
ConversionsByConversionDate | Double | Metric | ConversionsByConversionDate column for table Metrics |
ConversionsFromInteractionsRate | Double | Metric | ConversionsFromInteractionsRate column for table Metrics |
ConversionsValue | Double | Metric | ConversionsValue column for table Metrics |
ConversionsValueByConversionDate | Double | Metric | ConversionsValueByConversionDate column for table Metrics |
CostMicros | Long | Metric | CostMicros column for table Metrics |
CostPerAllConversions | Double | Metric | CostPerAllConversions column for table Metrics |
CostPerConversion | Double | Metric | CostPerConversion column for table Metrics |
CostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion | Double | Metric | CostPerCurrentModelAttributedConversion column for table Metrics |
CrossDeviceConversions | Double | Metric | CrossDeviceConversions column for table Metrics |
Ctr | Double | Metric | Ctr column for table Metrics |
CurrentModelAttributedConversions | Double | Metric | CurrentModelAttributedConversions column for table Metrics |
CurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate | Double | Metric | CurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsRate column for table Metrics |
CurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction | Double | Metric | CurrentModelAttributedConversionsFromInteractionsValuePerInteraction column for table Metrics |
CurrentModelAttributedConversionsValue | Double | Metric | CurrentModelAttributedConversionsValue column for table Metrics |
CurrentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost | Double | Metric | CurrentModelAttributedConversionsValuePerCost column for table Metrics |
EngagementRate | Double | Metric | EngagementRate column for table Metrics |
Engagements | Long | Metric | Engagements column for table Metrics |
GmailForwards | Long | Metric | GmailForwards column for table Metrics |
GmailSaves | Long | Metric | GmailSaves column for table Metrics |
GmailSecondaryClicks | Long | Metric | GmailSecondaryClicks column for table Metrics |
Impressions | Long | Metric | Impressions column for table Metrics |
InteractionEventTypes | String | Metric | InteractionEventTypes column for table Metrics |
InteractionRate | Double | Metric | InteractionRate column for table Metrics |
Interactions | Long | Metric | Interactions column for table Metrics |
InvalidClickRate | Double | Metric | InvalidClickRate column for table Metrics |
InvalidClicks | Long | Metric | InvalidClicks column for table Metrics |
OptimizationScoreUplift | Double | Metric | OptimizationScoreUplift column for table Metrics |
OptimizationScoreUrl | String | Metric | OptimizationScoreUrl column for table Metrics |
PercentNewVisitors | Double | Metric | PercentNewVisitors column for table Metrics |
PhoneCalls | Long | Metric | PhoneCalls column for table Metrics |
PhoneImpressions | Long | Metric | PhoneImpressions column for table Metrics |
PhoneThroughRate | Double | Metric | PhoneThroughRate column for table Metrics |
RelativeCtr | Double | Metric | RelativeCtr column for table Metrics |
SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchAbsoluteTopImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchBudgetLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchBudgetLostImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchBudgetLostImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchBudgetLostTopImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchClickShare | Double | Metric | SearchClickShare column for table Metrics |
SearchExactMatchImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchExactMatchImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchRankLostAbsoluteTopImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchRankLostImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchRankLostImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchRankLostTopImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchRankLostTopImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SearchTopImpressionShare | Double | Metric | SearchTopImpressionShare column for table Metrics |
SkAdNetworkConversions | Long | Metric | SkAdNetworkConversions column for table Metrics |
TopImpressionPercentage | Double | Metric | TopImpressionPercentage column for table Metrics |
ValuePerAllConversions | Double | Metric | ValuePerAllConversions column for table Metrics |
ValuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate | Double | Metric | ValuePerAllConversionsByConversionDate column for table Metrics |
ValuePerConversion | Double | Metric | ValuePerConversion column for table Metrics |
ValuePerConversionsByConversionDate | Double | Metric | ValuePerConversionsByConversionDate column for table Metrics |
ValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion | Double | Metric | ValuePerCurrentModelAttributedConversion column for table Metrics |
VideoQuartileP100Rate | Double | Metric | VideoQuartileP100Rate column for table Metrics |
VideoQuartileP25Rate | Double | Metric | VideoQuartileP25Rate column for table Metrics |
VideoQuartileP50Rate | Double | Metric | VideoQuartileP50Rate column for table Metrics |
VideoQuartileP75Rate | Double | Metric | VideoQuartileP75Rate column for table Metrics |
VideoViewRate | Double | Metric | VideoViewRate column for table Metrics |
VideoViews | Long | Metric | VideoViews column for table Metrics |
ViewThroughConversions | Long | Metric | ViewThroughConversions column for table Metrics |
AdDestinationType | String | Segment | AdDestinationType column for table Segments |
AdNetworkType | String | Segment | AdNetworkType column for table Segments |
ClickType | String | Segment | ClickType column for table Segments |
ConversionAction | String | Segment | ConversionAction column for table Segments |
ConversionActionCategory | String | Segment | ConversionActionCategory column for table Segments |
ConversionActionName | String | Segment | ConversionActionName column for table Segments |
ConversionAdjustment | Bool | Segment | ConversionAdjustment column for table Segments |
ConversionAttributionEventType | String | Segment | ConversionAttributionEventType column for table Segments |
ConversionLagBucket | String | Segment | ConversionLagBucket column for table Segments |
ConversionOrAdjustmentLagBucket | String | Segment | ConversionOrAdjustmentLagBucket column for table Segments |
ConversionValueRulePrimaryDimension | String | Segment | ConversionValueRulePrimaryDimension column for table Segments |
Date | Date | Segment | Date column for table Segments |
DayOfWeek | String | Segment | DayOfWeek column for table Segments |
Device | String | Segment | Device column for table Segments |
ExternalConversionSource | String | Segment | ExternalConversionSource column for table Segments |
Hour | Int | Segment | Hour column for table Segments |
Month | Date | Segment | Month column for table Segments |
MonthOfYear | String | Segment | MonthOfYear column for table Segments |
Quarter | Date | Segment | Quarter column for table Segments |
RecommendationType | String | Segment | RecommendationType column for table Segments |
SkAdNetworkConversionValue | Long | Segment | SkAdNetworkConversionValue column for table Segments |
Slot | String | Segment | Slot column for table Segments |
Week | Date | Segment | Week column for table Segments |
Year | Int | Segment | Year column for table Segments |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
ManagerId | Long | Id of the manager account on behalf of which you are requesting customer data. |
Last updated