Name | Type | ReadOnly | Filterable | Description |
EarningsRateID [KEY] | String | True | The unique identifier of the PayItem. This field is assigned by Xero. | |
Name | String | False | Name of the earnings rate. | |
DisplayName | String | False | Display name of the earnings rate, as it will appear on payslips. | |
AccountCode | String | False | Customer defined alpha numeric account code. | |
TypeOfUnits | String | False | Type of units used to record earnings. | |
IsExemptFromTax | String | False | You should only set this value if you are sure that a payment is exempt from PAYG withholding. | |
IsExemptFromSuper | String | False | See the ATO website for details of which payments are exempt from SGC. | |
EarningsType | String | False | The type of Pay Items earning. Valid values are FIXED, ORDINARYTIMEEARNINGS, OVERATIMEEARNINGS, ALLOWANCE and LUMPSUMD. | |
RateType | String | False | The rate type of the earning. Valid values are FIXEDAMOUNT, MULTIPLE, RATEPERUNIT | |
RatePerUnit | String | False | Only applicable if RateType is RATEPERUNIT. | |
Multiplier | Double | False | This is the multiplier used to calculate the rate per unit, based on the employee's ordinary earnings type. Only applicable if RateType is MULTIPLE. | |
AccrueLeave | String | False | Indicates that this earnings rate should accrue leave. Only applicable if RateType is MULTIPLE. | |
Amount | String | False | Option Amount for FIXEDAMOUNT RateType EarningsRate. | |
UpdatedDateUTC | Datetime | True | Timestamp of the last change to the PayItem record. | |
TenantId | String | False | The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant |
Last updated