CatalogProductAttribute is an auto generated table
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ApplyTo | String | False | Apply to value for the element |
AttributeCode | String | False | Code of the attribute. |
AttributeId [KEY] | Int | False | Id of the attribute. |
BackendModel | String | False | Backend model |
BackendType | String | False | Backend type. |
DefaultFrontendLabel | String | False | Frontend label for default store |
DefaultValue | String | False | Default value for the element. |
EntityTypeId | String | False | Entity type id |
ExtensionAttributes | String | False | This is an auto-generated column |
FrontendClass | String | False | Frontend class of attribute |
FrontendInput | String | False | HTML for input element. |
FrontendLabels | String | False | Frontend label for each store |
IsComparable | String | False | The attribute can be compared on the frontend |
IsFilterable | Bool | False | It used in layered navigation |
IsFilterableInGrid | Bool | False | It is filterable in catalog product grid |
IsFilterableInSearch | Bool | False | It is used in search results layered navigation |
IsHtmlAllowedOnFront | Bool | False | The HTML tags are allowed on the frontend |
IsRequired | Bool | False | Attribute is required. |
IsSearchable | String | False | The attribute can be used in Quick Search |
IsUnique | String | False | This is a unique attribute |
IsUsedForPromoRules | String | False | The attribute can be used for promo rules |
IsUsedInGrid | Bool | False | It is used in catalog product grid |
IsUserDefined | Bool | False | Current attribute has been defined by a user. |
IsVisible | Bool | False | Attribute is visible on frontend. |
IsVisibleInAdvancedSearch | String | False | The attribute can be used in Advanced Search |
IsVisibleInGrid | Bool | False | It is visible in catalog product grid |
IsVisibleOnFront | String | False | The attribute is visible on the frontend |
IsWysiwygEnabled | Bool | False | WYSIWYG flag |
Note | String | False | The note attribute for the element. |
Options | String | False | Options of the attribute (key => value pairs for select) |
Position | Int | False | Position |
Scope | String | False | Attribute scope |
SourceModel | String | False | Source model |
UsedForSortBy | Bool | False | It is used for sorting in product listing |
UsedInProductListing | String | False | The attribute can be used in product listing |
ValidationRules | String | False | Validation rules. |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
AttributeCode_p | String | This is an auto-generated column |
Last updated