Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | SupportedOperators | Platform | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True | =,IN | Common | The Id of the sprint. | |
Name | String | False | Common | The name of the sprint. | ||
State | String | False | Common | The state of the sprint. A newly created sprint starts in the 'future' state. The state can only transition from 'future' to 'active', and from 'active' to 'closed' The allowed values are future, active, closed. | ||
Goal | String | False | Common | The goal assigned for the sprint. | ||
OriginBoardId | Integer | False | Boards.Id | = | Common | The board Id the sprint originated from. This field cannot be updated |
StartDate | Datetime | False | Common | The date when the sprint was started. | ||
EndDate | Datetime | False | Common | The date when the sprint has ended. | ||
CompleteDate | Datetime | True | Common | The date when the sprint was completed. |
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