Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
id [KEY] | String | True | The unique identifier for the group. | |
Etag | String | False | ||
deletedDateTime | Datetime | False | ||
allowExternalSenders | Bool | False | Indicates if people external to the organization can send messages to the group. | |
assignedLabels | String | False | ||
assignedLicenses | String | False | ||
autoSubscribeNewMembers | Bool | False | Indicates if new members added to the group will be auto-subscribed to receive email notifications. | |
classification | String | False | ||
createdDateTime | Datetime | False | ||
description | String | False | An optional description for the group. | |
displayName | String | False | The display name for the group. | |
expirationDateTime | Datetime | False | ||
groupTypes | String | False | Specifies the type of group to create. Possible values are Unified to create an Office 365 group, or DynamicMembership for dynamic groups. For all other group types, like security-enabled groups and email-enabled security groups, do not set this property. | |
hasMembersWithLicenseErrors | Bool | False | ||
hideFromAddressLists | Bool | False | ||
hideFromOutlookClients | Bool | False | ||
isArchived | Bool | False | ||
isSubscribedByMail | Bool | False | Indicates whether the current user is subscribed to receive email conversations. | |
licenseProcessingState_state | String | False | ||
String | False | The SMTP address for the group. | ||
mailEnabled | Bool | False | Specifies whether the group is mail-enabled. If the securityEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise, the group is a Microsoft Exchange distribution group. | |
mailNickname | String | False | The mail alias for the group, unique in the organization. | |
membershipRule | String | False | ||
membershipRuleProcessingState | String | False | ||
onPremisesDomainName | String | False | ||
onPremisesLastSyncDateTime | Datetime | False | Indicates the last time at which the group was synced with the on-premises directory. | |
onPremisesNetBiosName | String | False | ||
onPremisesProvisioningErrors | String | False | ||
onPremisesSamAccountName | String | False | ||
onPremisesSecurityIdentifier | String | False | Contains the on-premises security identifier (SID) for the group that was synchronized from on-premises to the cloud. | |
onPremisesSyncEnabled | Bool | False | True if this group is synced from an on-premises directory; false if this group was originally synced from an on-premises directory but is no longer synced; null if this object has never been synced from an on-premises directory. | |
preferredDataLocation | String | False | ||
preferredLanguage | String | False | ||
proxyAddresses | String | False | The proxy addresses for the table Groups. | |
renewedDateTime | Datetime | False | ||
securityEnabled | Bool | False | Specifies whether the group is a security group. If the mailEnabled property is also true, the group is a mail-enabled security group; otherwise it is a security group. Must be false for Office 365 groups. | |
securityIdentifier | String | False | ||
theme | String | False | ||
unseenCount | Int | False | Count of posts that the current user has not seen since his last visit. | |
visibility | String | False | Specifies the visibility of an Office 365 group. The possible values are: Private, Public, HiddenMembership, or empty (which is interpreted as Public). |
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