Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | A unique combination of the project and time entry identifiers |
TimeEntryId | String | True | The unique Xero identifier of the time entry. |
UserId | String | False | The ID of the user who logged the time entry |
ProjectId | String | False | The ID of the project the task belongs to |
TaskId | String | False | The ID of the task the time is logged for |
Date | Date | False | The day the time was logged for |
DateEntered | Datetime | True | When the time entry was created |
Duration | Int | False | When the time entry was created |
Description | String | False | The description of the time entry |
Status | String | True | One of ACTIVE, LOCKED or INVOICED |
TenantId | String | False | The ID of the tenant to query instead of the connection tenant |
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