Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | The unique identifier for this record. |
ContactOwner_Id | String | False | The Id of the owner of the contact. |
ContactOwner_Name | String | True | The name of the owner of the contact. |
LeadSource | String | False | The source of the lead. |
FirstName | String | False | The first name of the contact. |
LastName | String | False | The last name of the contact. |
AccountName_Id | String | False | The id of the account concerning this contact. |
AccountName_Name | String | True | The name of the account concerning this contact. |
VendorName_Id | String | False | The Id of the vendor concerning this account. |
VendorName_Name | String | True | The name of the vendor concerning this account. |
String | False | The email of the contact. | |
Title | String | False | The title of the contact. |
Department | String | False | The Department of the contact. |
Phone | String | False | The phone of the contact. |
HomePhone | String | False | The home phone of the contact. |
OtherPhone | String | False | A different phone number of the contact. |
Fax | String | False | The fax of the contact. |
Mobile | String | False | The mobile of the contact. |
DateofBirth | Date | False | The date of birth of the contact. |
Tag | String | False | A list of tags of the contact. |
Assistant | String | False | The assistant of the contact. |
AsstPhone | String | False | The phone number of the assistant of the contact. |
ReportsTo | String | False | To whom the contact reports to. |
EmailOptOut | Bool | False | Whether this contact has opted out from receiving emails. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | False | The Id of the User who created the record. |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | The name of the user who created the record. |
SkypeID | String | False | The Skype ID of the contact. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | False | The Id of the User who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | The name of the User who modified the record. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | False | The time when the record was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | False | The time when the record was modified. |
FullName | String | False | The full name of the contact. |
Salutation | String | False | The salutation the contact likes to be referenced as. |
SecondaryEmail | String | False | The secondary email of the contact. |
LastActivityTime | Datetime | False | The time of the contact's last activity. |
String | False | The twitter handle of the contact. | |
MailingStreet | String | False | The mailing street of the contact. |
OtherStreet | String | False | The other street of the contact. |
MailingCity | String | False | The mailing city of the contact. |
OtherCity | String | False | The other city of the contact. |
MailingState | String | False | The mailing state of the contact. |
OtherState | String | False | The other state of the contact. |
MailingZip | String | False | The mailing zip of the contact. |
OtherZip | String | False | The other zip of the contact. |
MailingCountry | String | False | The mailing country of the contact. |
OtherCountry | String | False | The other country of the contact. |
Description | String | False | The description of the contact. |
MostRecentVisit | Datetime | False | The most recent visit of the contact. |
FirstVisit | Datetime | False | The first visit of the contact. |
Referrer | String | False | The referrer of the contact. |
FirstPageVisited | String | False | The first page the contact has visited. |
NumberOfChats | Int | False | The number of chats the contact has had. |
AverageTimeSpent_Minutes_ | String | False | The average time in minutes the contact has spent. |
DaysVisited |