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The Account Performance report includes all statistics aggregated by default at the account level, one row per account.
The Ad Customizers Feed Item report provides statistics for feed items used in Ad Customizers. Statistics are aggregated at the feed item level, one row per feed item.
Represents data about a bidlandscape for an adgroup.
The Ad Group Performance report includes all statistics aggregated by default at the ad group level, one row per ad group.
Service to access details about any ad groups.
The Ad Performance report includes all statistics aggregated at the ad level, one row per ad.
The Age Range Performance report includes all display network statistics aggregated by age range. It also includes automatic audience performance.
The Audience Performance report includes performance data from interests and remarketing lists for display ads, and remarketing lists for search ads (RLSA), aggregated at the audience level�one row per audience.
The Automatic Placements Performance report includes all statistics aggregated at the placement level, one row per placement.
The Bid Goal Performance report includes statistics for your bid strategies.
The Budget Performance report includes all statistics aggregated by default at the budget level, one row per budget.
The Call Metrics Call Details report includes call details for your call extension including call duration and the caller's area code.
The Campaign Ad Schedule Target report summarizes the performance of campaigns by AdSchedule criteria.
The Campaign Criteria report is a structure report that allows you to efficiently retrieve campaign-level criteria.
The bid landscape for a criterion. A bid landscape estimates how a a criterion will perform based on different bid amounts.
The Campaign Group Performance report includes the overall performance statistics of campaigns that you have included in campaign groups. Statistics are aggregated by default at the campaign group level.
The Campaign Location Target Report summarizes the performance of campaigns by location-based CampaignCriterion.
Although negative keywords do not hold statistics, you can use this structured report to efficiently retrieve attributes of keyword-based NegativeCampaignCriterion objects.
Although negative locations do not hold statistics, you can use this structured report to efficiently retrieve attributes of location-based NegativeCampaignCriterion objects.
Although negative placements do not hold statistics, you can use this structured report to efficiently retrieve attributes of placement-based NegativeCampaignCriterion objects.
The Campaigns Performance report includes all statistics aggregated by default at the campaign level, one row per campaign.
Service to access details about any campaign.
The Campaign Shared Set report includes all relationships between SharedSets and campaigns.
The Click Performance report includes stats aggregated at each click level, and includes both valid and invalid clicks. The KeywordId field will return any criteria that triggered the click, not just keywords.
Service to access details about any conversion tracker.
Free clicks are interactions that take place before a clickthrough for video ads, display ads, product extensions and location extensions, interactions like a Video play or a Get directions.
The Criteria Performance report includes statistics aggregated at the ad group criteria level, one row per ad group and criteria combination.
The bid landscape for a criterion. A bid landscape estimates how a a criterion will perform based on different bid amounts.
Service to access basic details about any customer.
The Display Keyword Performance report includes all display network statistics aggregated at the keyword level, one row per keyword.
The Display Topics Performance report includes all display network statistics aggregated at the topic level, one row per topic.
The Final URL report includes all statistics aggregated at the final URL level, one row per final URL. If other segment fields are used, you may get more than one row per final URL.
The Gender Performance report includes all statistics aggregated by gender. It also includes automatic audience performance.
The Geo Performance report includes all statistics aggregated at the country/territory level, one row per country/territory.
The Keywordless Category Performance report includes keywordless ads (dynamic search ads) statistics aggregated by category.
The Keywordless Query report includes keywordless ads (dynamic search ads) statistics based on search terms.
The Keywords Performance report includes all statistics aggregated at the keyword level, one row per keyword.
The Label report is a structure report that lists all labels for your account.
The Landing Page report includes all statistics aggregated by default by the UnexpandedFinalUrlString, one row per the URL string.
Represents data that encapsulates a location criterion.
Service to access basic details about any customer.
Service to access basic details about any customer links.
The Marketplace Performance report includes all statistics of ads displayed on the Marketplace, aggregated by default at the account level.
The Paid and Organic Query report provides a holistic view of your search stats across ads and organic listings at the query level. This lets you analyze strengths and gaps in your overall search presence, and gives insight into how your paid and organic search listings work together to connect your business with people searching on Google.
The Parental Status Performance report includes statistics aggregated at the parental status level, one row per parental status
The Placeholder Report provides statistics for feed-based ad extensions, one row per placeholder type.
The Placeholder Feed Item report includes all statistics at the feed-item level (e.g., a single sitelink).
The Placements Performance report includes all statistics aggregated at the placement level, one row per placement.
The Product Partition report provides shopping campaign statistics aggregated at the product partition (Id field) level.
The Search Terms report includes all statistics aggregated at the search terms level, one row per combination of search terms.
The Shared Set report includes all SharedSets that can be shareable across campaigns.
The Shared Set Criteria report includes criteria for each SharedSet.
The Shopping Performance report provides shopping campaign statistics aggregated at the product (OfferId field) level.
Retrieves TopContentPerformance report data.
The URL Performance report includes all statistics aggregated at the URL and criterion level.
The User Ad Distance Report provides statistics aggregated by the user's distance from your location extensions.
The Video Performance report includes statistics for your account's upgraded AdWords for Video campaigns.