Individuals who are currently or have been previously suscribed to this list, including members who have bounced or unsubscribed.
Table Specific Information
SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE are supported for ListMembers.
A ListId is required to retrieve data from this table. If none is specified in the WHERE clause, the first one available for your account will be used.
The ListId, EmailAddress, and Status are required for INSERTs.\
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | The MD5 hash of the list member's email address. |
EmailAddress | String | False | Email address for a subscriber. |
UniqueEmailId [KEY] | String | True | An identifier for the address across all of MailChimp. |
EmailType | String | False | Type of email this member asked to get ('html' or 'text'). |
FullName | String | False | The contact's full name. |
Status | String | False | Subscriber's current status ('subscribed', 'unsubscribed', 'cleaned', 'pending' or 'transactional'). The allowed values are subscribed, unsubscribed, cleaned, prending, transactional. |
StatusIfNew | String | False | Subscriber's status ('subscribed', 'unsubscribed', 'cleaned', or 'pending'), to be used only on a PUT request if the email is not already present on the list. |
Interests | String | False | The key of this object's properties is the ID of the interest in question. |
Stats_AvgOpenRate | Double | True | A subscriber's average open rate. |
Stats_AvgClickRate | Double | True | A subscriber's average clickthrough rate. |
IpSignup | String | True | IP address the subscriber signed up from. |
TimestampSignup | Datetime | True | Date and time the subscriber signed up for the list. |
IpOpt | String | True | IP address the subscriber confirmed their opt-in status. |
TimestampOpt | Datetime | True | Date and time the subscribe confirmed their opt-in status. |
MemberRating | Integer | True | Star rating for this member between 1 and 5. |
LastChanged | Datetime | True | Date and time the member's info was last changed. |
Language | String | False | If set/detected, the language of the subscriber. |
Vip | Boolean | False | VIP status for subscriber. |
EmailClient | String | True | The email client the address as using. |
Location_Latitude | Double | False | |
Location_Longitude | Double | False | |
Location_Gmtoff | Integer | True | |
Location_Dstoff | Integer | True | |
Location_CountryCode | String | True | |
Location_Timezone | String | True | |
LastNote_NoteId | Integer | False | The note's ID. |
LastNote_CreatedAt | String | False | The date the note was created. |
LastNote_CreatedBy | String | False | The author of the note. |
LastNote_Note | String | False | The content of the note. |
ListId [KEY] | String | False | The id for the list. |
TagsAggregate | String | True | Tags of the member, displayed as an aggregate. |
Last updated