Name | Type | Description |
AccountId | String | The Id of the advertising account to work with. |
Entity | String | The entity to query. |
EntityId | String | The Id of the entity to query. |
StartTime | Date | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. |
EndTime | Date | Scopes the retrieved data to data collected in the window of time between StartTime and EndTime. Must be expressed in whole hours. |
IntervalStartTime | String | Start time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. |
IntervalEndTime | String | End time of the current interval. This applies only to Granularity DAY and HOUR. |
Placement | String | The placement. Possible values: ALL_ON_TWITTER, PUBLISHER_NETWORK. The allowed values are ALL_ON_TWITTER, PUBLISHER_NETWORK. |
Granularity | String | Determines how granular the data points will be returned within the time range specified by StartTime and EndTime. For instance, when set to HOUR, you will be presented with a datapoint for each hour between StartTime and EndTime. The allowed values are TOTAL, DAY, HOUR. |
Engagements | Integer | Total number of engagements. |
Impressions | Integer | Total number of impressions. |
Retweets | Integer | Total number of retweets. |
Replies | Integer | Total number of replies. |
Likes | Integer | Total number of likes. |
Follows | Integer | Total number of follows. |
CardEngagements | Integer | Total number of card engagements. |
Clicks | Integer | Total number of clicks. |
AppClicks | Integer | Number of app install or app open attempts. |
UrlClicks | Integer | Number of clicks on linked URLs. |
QualifiedImpressions | Integer | Total number of qualified impressions. |
BilledEngagements | Integer | Total number of billed engagements. |
BilledCharge | Long | Total spent in micros. |
VideoTotalViews | Integer | Total number of video views. |
VideoViews25 | Integer | Total number of views where at least 25% of the video was viewed. |
VideoViews50 | Integer | Total number of views where at least 50% of the video was viewed. |
VideoViews75 | Integer | Total number of views where at least 75% of the video was viewed. |
VideoViews100 | Integer | Total number of views where 100% of the video was viewed. |
VideoCTAClicks | Integer | Total clicks on the call to action. |
VideoContentStarts | Integer | Total number of video playback starts. |
VideoMrcViews | Integer | Total number of views according to Media Rating Council guidelines. |
Video3s100pctViews | Integer | Total number of views where at least 3 seconds were played while 100% in view. |
MediaViews | Integer | Total number of views (autoplay and click) of media across videos, vines, GIFs, and images. |
MediaEngagements | Integer | Total number of clicks of media across videos, vines, GIFs, and images. |
Purchases | Integer | Number of conversions of type PURCHASE and the corresponding sale amount and order quantity. |
SignUps | Integer | Number of conversions of type SIGN_UP and the corresponding sale amount and order quantity. |
SiteVisits | Integer | Number of conversions of type SITE_VISIT and the corresponding sale amount and order quantity. |
Downloads | Integer | Number of conversions of type DOWNLOAD and the corresponding sale amount and order quantity. |
ConversionCustom | Integer | Number of conversions of type CUSTOM and the corresponding sale amount and order quantity. |
MobileConversionSpentCredits | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SPENT_CREDIT by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionInstalls | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INSTALL by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionContentViews | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CONTENT_VIEW by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionAddToWishlists | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionCheckoutsInitiated | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionReservations | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionTutorialsCompleted | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionAchievementsUnlocked | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionSearches | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SEARCH by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionAddToCarts | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionPaymentInfoAdditions | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PAYMENT_INFO_ADDITION by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionReEngages | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RE_ENGAGE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionShares | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SHARE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionRates | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RATE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionLogins | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LOGIN by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionUpdates | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionLevelsAchieved | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type LEVEL_ACHIEVED by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionInvites | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type INVITE by post view, post engagement, whether assisted, order quantity, and sale amount. |
MobileConversionKeyPageViews | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type KEY_PAGE_VIEW by post view and post engagement. |
LifetimeValuePurchases | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type PURCHASE. |
LifetimeValueSignUps | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type SIGN_UP. |
LifetimeValueUpdates | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type UPDATE. |
LifetimeValueTutorialsCompleted | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type TUTORIAL_COMPLETED. |
LifetimeValueReservations | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type RESERVATION. |
LifetimeValueAddToCarts | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_CART. |
LifetimeValueAddToWishlists | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type ADD_TO_WISHLIST. |
LifetimeValueCheckoutsInitiated | Integer | Breakdown of mobile conversions of type CHECKOUT_INITIATED. |