Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | Unique identifier of the Campaign. | |
IsDeleted | Boolean | True | Label Deleted corresponds to this field. | |
Name | String | False | Label Name corresponds to this field. | |
Type | String | False | Label Type corresponds to this field. | |
Status | String | False | Label Status corresponds to this field. | |
StartDate | Datetime | False | Label Start Date corresponds to this field. | |
EndDate | Datetime | False | Label End Date corresponds to this field. | |
ExpectedRevenue | Double | False | Label Expected Revenue corresponds to this field. | |
BudgetedCost | Double | False | Label Budgeted Cost corresponds to this field. | |
ActualCost | Double | False | Label Actual Cost corresponds to this field. | |
ExpectedResponse | Double | False | Label Expected Response (%) corresponds to this field. | |
NumberSent | Double | False | Label Num Sent corresponds to this field. | |
IsActive | Boolean | False | Label Active corresponds to this field. | |
Description | String | False | Label Description corresponds to this field. | |
NumberOfLeads | Int | True | Label Total Leads corresponds to this field. | |
NumberOfConvertedLeads | Int | True | Label Converted Leads corresponds to this field. | |
NumberOfContacts | Int | True | Label Total Contacts corresponds to this field. | |
NumberOfResponses | Int | True | Label Total Responses corresponds to this field. | |
NumberOfOpportunities | Int | True | Label Num Total Opportunities corresponds to this field. | |
NumberOfWonOpportunities | Int | True | Label Num Won Opportunities corresponds to this field. | |
AmountAllOpportunities | Double | True | Label Total Value Opportunities corresponds to this field. | |
AmountWonOpportunities | Double | True | Label Total Value Won Opportunities corresponds to this field. | |
OwnerId | String | False | User.Id | Label Owner ID corresponds to this field. |
CreatedDate | Datetime | True | Label Created Date corresponds to this field. | |
CreatedById | String | True | User.Id | Label Created By ID corresponds to this field. |
LastModifiedDate | Datetime | True | Label Last Modified Date corresponds to this field. | |
LastModifiedById | String | True | User.Id | Label Last Modified By ID corresponds to this field. |
SystemModstamp | Datetime | True | Label System Modstamp corresponds to this field. | |
LastActivityDate | Datetime | True | Label Last Activity corresponds to this field. | |
LastViewedDate | Datetime | True | Label Last Viewed Date corresponds to this field. | |
LastReferencedDate | Datetime | True | Label Last Referenced Date corresponds to this field. | |
CampaignMemberRecordTypeId | String | False | RecordType.Id | Label Record Type ID corresponds to this field. |
Myfield__c | String | False | Label Myfield Nothing to do here corresponds to this field. |
Last updated