Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Sortable | Description |
LineId [KEY] | String | True | false | true | The Id of the line item of the purchase order. | |
PurchaseOrderId [KEY] | String | False | PurchaseOrders.Id | true | false | The Id of the purchase order. |
SyncToken | String | True | false | false | Version number of the object. It is used to lock an object for use by one app at a time. As soon as an application modifies an object, its SyncToken is incremented. Attempts to modify an object specifying an older SyncToken fails. Only the latest version of the object is maintained by QuickBooks Online. | |
MetaData_CreateTime | Datetime | True | true | true | The time the record was created. | |
MetaData_LastUpdatedTime | Datetime | True | true | true | The time the record was last updated. | |
DocNumber | String | False | true | true | The reference number for the transaction. | |
TxnDate | Date | False | true | true | The date when this transaction occurred. | |
PrivateNote | String | False | false | false | A private note about the transaction. This note will not appear on the transaction records by default. | |
LinkedTxnAggregate | String | False | false | false | An XML aggregate of transactions linked to the estimate. | |
Line_Id | String | False | false | false | The Id of the line item. | |
Line_Description | String | False | false | false | A description of the line item that appears in the printed record. | |
Line_Amount | Decimal | False | false | false | The amount of the line item. It represents the discount amount, charge amount, tax amount, or subtotal amount based on the value of the DetailType field. | |
Line_DetailType | String | False | false | false | The type of line in the transaction. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef | String | False | Items.Id | false | false | The Id of the item of the line item. When a line lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount field is ignored. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ItemRef_Name | String | True | Items.Name | false | false | The name of the item of the line item. When a line lacks an ItemRef it is treated as documentation and the Line_Amount field is ignored. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False | Class.Id | false | false | The Id of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True | Class.FullyQualifiedName | false | false | The name of the class for the line item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_UnitPrice | Decimal | False | false | false | The price of the referenced item. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_Qty | Double | False | false | false | The number of items for the line. | |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False | TaxCodes.Id | false | false | The sales tax code for this item. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False | Customers.Id | false | false | The Id of the customer associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True | Customers.DisplayName | false | false | The name of the customer associated with the expense. |
Line_ItemBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | false | false | The billable status of the expense. The allowed values are Billable, NotBillable, HasBeenBilled. | |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef | String | False | Class.Id | false | false | The Id of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_ClassRef_Name | String | True | Class.FullyQualifiedName | false | false | The name of the class entity of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef | String | False | Customers.Id | false | false | The customer Id for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_CustomerRef_Name | String | True | Customers.DisplayName | false | false | The customer name for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef | String | False | Accounts.Id | false | false | The Id of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_AccountRef_Name | String | True | Accounts.Name | false | false | The name of the expense account of the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_TaxCodeRef | String | False | TaxCodes.Id | false | false | The sales tax code for the expense. |
Line_AccountBasedExpenseLineDetail_BillableStatus | String | False | false | false | The billable status of the expense. |