Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | True | The Id of the single send. |
Name | String | False | The name of the single send. |
Status | String | False | The status of the single send. |
CreatedAt | String | True | The created timestamp of the single send. |
UpdatedAt | String | True | The updated timestamp of the single send. |
IsABTest | Boolean | False | Indicator showing if the single send is an AB Test. |
SenderId | Integer | False | The ID of the verified sender identity. |
CustomUnsubscribeUrl | String | False | The URL allowing contacts to unsubscribe. |
SuppressionGroupId | Integer | False | The ID of the suppression group to allow customers to unsubscribe. |
SendAt | Datetime | False | The ISO 8601 time at which to send the single send. |
TemplateId | String | False | Id of the template used. |
IpPool | String | False | The name of the IP pool from which the single send emails appear to be sent. |
Last updated